Acupunctuur tegen een herfstdip, burn-out of andere stressklachten

The days are getting colder, shorter, and darker. While this time of year also brings a lot of coziness, many people experience gloomy feelings during the autumn and winter days. Sometimes resulting in severe stress complaints, sleep problems, or even depression or burn-out. Read on quickly and discover what acupuncture can do against these complaints.

Why am I experiencing an autumn dip?

The reduced amount of daylight we are exposed to in autumn and winter is primarily responsible for the dip. Light energizes us, makes us happy, and sunlight benefits our overall system. From a Chinese perspective, there's another cause for the autumn blues. The element of metal, according to the Chinese, is linked to the autumn period. If you suffer from autumn depression, severe cold, or dip, the metal element is unbalanced. Additionally, there is often a shortage of Yin or Yang or a disrupted balance between the two. Annoying, but if you recognize the complaints, something can certainly be done.

Acupuncture against Cold

A cold or flu is always lurking in the autumn period. Prolonged cold complaints are very annoying, and expensive remedies from the drugstore are usually not natural and often only work for a while. Cold complaints can be excellently treated by means of acupuncture. The complaints are addressed at the root, and thanks to a restoration of the balance, a cold is less likely to return.

How can acupuncture help with an autumn dip?

Acupuncture is part of Traditional Chinese Medicine. In this natural healing method, we look at the balance between Yin and Yang. From a Western perspective, it's the Parasympathetic (rest) and Sympathetic (action) nervous system. When this balance is disturbed, certain energy blockages in the body occur that can lead to stress and fatigue complaints. These complaints sometimes become so severe that they lead to a burn-out or depression. The acupuncture treatment is aimed at removing energy blockages so that the energy flows evenly again, and the body's balance returns. Read more about acupuncture and stress here.

Need more information or want to make an appointment?

Book an appointment online at one of our locations, or call 085 - 0655499. If you have questions about acupuncture or how acupuncture can help you, you can also contact us via email.

How does acupuncture treatment work against stress, fatigue, or burn-out?

During an acupuncture treatment for stress complaints, sleep problems, fatigue complaints, depression, or burn-out, small needles are placed at various acupuncture points on the body. In this way, the tensions around the organs are removed, and the energy can flow properly again. The exact number of treatments needed depends on the type of complaints, the severity of these complaints, and your condition. Feel free to contact us to discuss the possibilities. We are happy to advise you at our locations in Breukelen, Hoofddorp, Nieuw-Vennep, Rijswijk / Delft, Voorburg or Wassenaar.