Acupunctuur bij stress en vermoeidheid

Everyone deals with stress at some point. In today's society, being 'busy' is more the norm than the exception, and this constant activity can take a toll on our bodies and minds. Occasional stress is nothing to worry about, but when you find yourself experiencing stress regularly and it starts to impact your daily activities, it's advisable to take action. Acupuncture can help with various types of stress and anxiety disorders.

From Mild Stress to Burnout to Depression

To treat your stress symptoms with acupuncture, it's necessary to first examine the severity of the symptoms, but especially the cause of the symptoms. Only then can the type of treatment required be determined. Stress symptoms almost always accompany other physical and mental symptoms that can also be treated with acupuncture. These can include sleep problems, muscle pain, and extreme fatigue. Sometimes stress can be held in certain organs. Acupuncture always looks at the whole body to apply the best treatment for symptom reduction.

However, it's important to note that the cause of the stress symptoms must also be addressed. A stressful work environment will likely cause the same symptoms to reoccur after a while.

Acupuncture for High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure can be caused by stress but can also be related to lifestyle or heredity. High blood pressure can be effectively treated with acupuncture. Often, high blood pressure involves an excess of Yang. Acupuncture helps to rebalance this disrupted energy balance.

Need more information or want to make an appointment?

Book an appointment online at one of our locations, or call 085 - 0655499. If you have questions about acupuncture or how acupuncture can help you, you can also contact us via email.

How Does Acupuncture Help with Stress?

From the perspective of Traditional Chinese Medicine, we look at the balance between yin and yang. When these are in balance, energy can flow well through the body and symptoms are less likely to occur. When treating stress with acupuncture, tensions around certain organs are relieved using small needles. Blockages are then removed so that energy can flow again and new energy can be generated. Typically, six to ten acupuncture treatments are required to eliminate stress symptoms. However, as noted before, the cause of the stress symptoms must also be addressed. A stressful work environment will likely cause the same symptoms to reoccur after a while. You can also read about acupuncture for sleep problems here.

Acupuncture for Stress Symptoms in Various Locations in the Randstad

Did you know that acupuncture is very effective against stress? We treat stress symptoms with acupuncture at all of our locations. Make an appointment online for an acupuncture treatment at one of our locations in Breukelen, Hoofddorp, Nieuw-Vennep, Rijswijk / Delft, Voorburg or Wassenaar.