How does an acupuncture treatment work... ...and what are the costs involved?

Acupuncture Practice represents a team of 11 acupuncturists working at 6 locations in the Randstad area. With our different backgrounds and specializations, we bring a lot of knowledge and experience. All our acupuncturists are affiliated with the professional associations NVA and ZHONG.

Acupuncture Treatment

The treatment lasts 45-60 minutes. First, you will discuss your complaints and health status with the acupuncturist and why you have come. Then your pulse will be felt and your tongue examined. These are two diagnostic tools used in Chinese Medicine. Based on the personal diagnosis of your complaints, the acupuncturist will place a number of very small needles scattered throughout your body. After that, you are allowed to relax or sleep for 30 minutes.

What can you expect?

The initial consultation

At a location and acupuncturist of your choice, you can present your complaints, after which your acupuncturist can explain what acupuncture can do for you and what the preliminary treatment plan looks like.

What are the costs of acupuncture?

*Note: the rates of our treatments will change as of March 1, 2023. These have already been processed in the table below.

No-obligation intake: free (15 minutes)
First and follow-up treatment: 72 euros (45 minutes)
Treatment for children up to 13 years old: 52 euros (30 minutes)

Is acupuncture covered by your health insurance?

Acupuncture is (partially) reimbursed from the supplementary insurance. This means that you do not have to pay a deductible. If you are additionally insured, check beforehand with your health insurer how much you get reimbursed per treatment and your maximum reimbursement per year.

We are affiliated with the professional associations NVA, Zhong, and NWP, and the umbrella organization KAB. Here you will find an overview of all reimbursements from health insurers for acupuncture treatments.

logo Zhong
logo KAB
logo NWP
logo NVA

What are the experiences with acupuncture?

Various scientific studies show that acupuncture is very effective for physical and emotional complaints and that acupuncture greatly promotes overall well-being. Our clients are also enthusiastic about the treatments with acupuncture.

Here you will find an overview of experiences from clients who have been or still are with Acupuncture Practice (NL).

Acupuncture against various conditions

Curious about which conditions acupuncture can help you with? Here you can find an overview of all conditions.

Method of payment

Infomedics handles our payments. At the beginning of the month, they will send you a digital invoice for the treatments from the previous month. You need to pay this yourself and possibly submit it to your health insurer.

Complaints procedure

Our therapists meet the requirements set by the government for healthcare providers under the Quality, Complaints, and Disputes Care Act (Wkkgz). We ask you to first contact your therapist so that we can find a solution together. Further information about this can be found here.