5 manieren om fit het voorjaar in te gaan

1. Turn inward

During winter, nature goes into a state of rest. Think about the trees that shed their leaves in autumn to conserve their moisture levels during winter. And also, consider the animals that retreat into hibernation. While we humans don't go into a literal hibernation, we can indeed use winter to slow down. By literally turning inward, incorporating more rest, and sleeping longer, our bodies best prepare for the growth process that restarts in the spring.

2. Eat warm food

According to Chinese Medicine, a person needs both warm and cold food to function optimally. In winter, we advise choosing warm food as a base to keep your inner heater stoked. For example, eat oatmeal porridge for breakfast instead of yogurt with muesli. A cold breakfast requires too much energy for the body to reheat. Opt for warming spices like cinnamon, turmeric, ginger, and cloves. Eat warm meals soups made from orange vegetables like sweet potato and pumpkin.

Need more information or want to make an appointment?

Book an appointment online at one of our locations, or call 085 - 0655499. If you have questions about acupuncture or how acupuncture can help you, you can also contact us via email.

3. Ensure Your Feet are Warm

From the perspective of Traditional Chinese Medicine, warm feet in winter are a must to prevent colds and the flu. The acupuncture points in the feet are indeed connected to the organs. Massage your feet before you go to sleep, for instance, with warm sesame oil (the odorless, cold-pressed variant!). You might add a few drops of lavender oil for extra relaxation and a pleasant scent. This ensures a good night's sleep and better resistance to illness.

4. Be more careful with your energy

The element from Chinese Medicine that dominates during winter is the water element. When the water element is out of balance, you can feel tired or tense. Muscle pain, mood swings, and bladder infections can also occur if the water element is unbalanced. More depressions occur in winter, partly due to the lack of daylight. So: take it easier this winter. Fold in your own leaves and take the time to recharge so you can bloom like a beautiful energetic flower in spring. Say 'no' more often if you don't feel like it or are tired. Take a warm shower and stay in bed with a book when possible. Self-care is so important!

Tip: Also read our blog post about how acupuncture helps with fatigue symptoms.

5. Visit an acupuncturist

Do you suffer from physical or mental winter ailments? Does that cold just not go away? Or are you falling from one flu into another? Acupuncture effectively tackles your symptoms. We identify the cause and treat directly at the core. Acupuncture is also very effective in preventing complaints. If you maintain your energy balance during winter through (preventive) acupuncture treatment, you will be much less susceptible to illnesses in the spring. Think, for example, about hay fever. It's such a pleasant way of self-care to work on a good flow of your energy every two weeks, for example.

Experience it for yourself and make an appointment with one of our acupuncturists this winter at one of our locations in Breukelen, Hoofddorp, Nieuw-Vennep, Rijswijk / Delft, Voorburg or Wassenaar.