Hoe helpt acupunctuur bij het voorkomen en bestrijden van hooikoorts?

How and when does hay fever occur?

In spring, everything in nature starts to bloom and grow again. Trees and shrubs reproduce and form pollen, which spreads through the air. Tree-induced hay fever begins in February/March and most symptoms occur between March and May. Grass-induced hay fever starts in April/May, with most symptoms between May and August. Some people suffer throughout this period, while others only experience symptoms for a few weeks or even days. On some sunny and windy days, the pollen spreads faster than usual, and symptoms increase.

What symptoms does someone with hay fever experience?

Hay fever leads to over-stimulation of the mucous membranes, leading to unpleasant symptoms. Common symptoms include itching of the nose and eyes, a blocked nose, frequent sneezing, and tearing. Other symptoms may include a dry throat, tickly cough, a feverish feeling, and fatigue. In addition, you may become short of breath or experience wheezing. It's all very troublesome, especially during a period when it's so nice to enjoy the beautiful weather.

Why do I get hay fever?

It is not known why some people suffer tremendously from hay fever and others do not. Genetics seem to play a role, as hay fever occurs a lot in some families. Hay fever is an overreaction of the body to pollen grains. These grains are not at all dangerous, but the immune system of someone with hay fever thinks otherwise. To attack these 'intruders', the body produces histamine. This substance causes your symptoms.

Need more information or want to make an appointment?

Book an appointment online at one of our locations, or call 085 - 0655499. If you have questions about acupuncture or how acupuncture can help you, you can also contact us via email.

6 home tips against hay fever

For mild hay fever symptoms, you can apply the following tips:

  • Smear some Vaseline in your nostrils
  • Change your pillowcase every day
  • Don't dry your laundry outside
  • Wear glasses or sunglasses outside
  • Try to stay indoors on days when the sun is shining in combination with a strong wind
  • Try not to rub your eyes

If these don't help, acupuncture is the solution! You do not have to take medications (often with unpleasant side effects). Acupuncture is always aimed at strengthening the body's own system and restoring balance in the body. A significant advantage for those who prefer not to use all sorts of medications quickly. Curious how other people experience acupuncture? Read here 3 patient experiences from people who have been in our practice with various complaints.

Acupuncture to prevent hay fever

Because the immune system does not work correctly in hay fever and is essentially unbalanced, acupuncture can significantly help prevent hay fever symptoms. By letting the energy in the body flow properly again, the immune system is balanced and strengthened. If you start the treatment in time, hay fever symptoms can largely be prevented. Often, about 6 treatments are sufficient. The advice is to start the preventive treatment a few months before the hay fever peak (which is different for everyone).

Acupuncture against hay fever symptoms

Even if you have not treated preventively, acupuncture can effectively reduce or even completely relieve hay fever symptoms. The treatment then focuses on the immediate symptoms and also on strengthening the immune system. Most people experience an effect shortly after the treatment and see their symptoms decrease. A huge relief. You can once again enjoy a hay fever-free spring and summer!