Acupunctuur bij slaapproblemen

Inability to sleep, everyone has encountered it at some point and everyone finds it annoying. For some, poor sleep is purely associated with stress (worrying!), while others suffer from chronic complaints, which we call insomnia. In this blog post, we discuss the causes of sleep problems, provide 5 tips for better sleep, and explain how acupuncture addresses sleep issues. Read on!

What are the causes of poor sleep?

Stress is the most common cause of poor sleep. When someone sleeps poorly due to endless worrying, it's important first to identify the cause of this worry. Are there problems at work? In a relationship? Perhaps a stressful period is approaching? Understanding the cause is crucial to be able to tackle it. Besides stress, hormonal fluctuations, alcohol consumption, or excessive screen time before bedtime can also cause sleep problems. Learn everything about acupuncture and stress here. Menopause is also a period during which many women suffer from sleep problems. Did you know that menopausal symptoms can also be effectively treated with acupuncture?

Naturally addressing sleep problems with acupuncture

There are, of course, all kinds of pills on the market to make falling asleep or staying asleep easier. However, these often have side effects, are addictive, and ultimately only worsen the sleep problems. We prefer natural medicine to address sleep problems. Both mild sleep problems and sleep deficit (insomnia) can be tackled by acupuncture. We see sleep problems as a disruption of the rhythm of our two energies: Yin and Yang. The day starts with Yang (waking up) and ends with Yin (sleeping). A good balance between Yin and Yang ensures a natural daily rhythm where you naturally feel sleepier at the end of the day. In people with sleep problems, treatment with acupuncture restores the energy balance, thereby returning the natural rhythm.

Need more information or want to make an appointment?

Book an appointment online at one of our locations, or call 085 - 0655499. If you have questions about acupuncture or how acupuncture can help you, you can also contact us via email.

Retention Needles After Acupuncture Treatment

After acupuncture treatment, retention needles are often placed in the ear, which can remain until the next treatment. This allows for continued treatment at home and makes the treatment take effect faster. The exact number of treatments needed depends on the cause and severity of the symptoms.

Tips to fall asleep faster

In addition to treatment with acupuncture, the following tips can help fall asleep faster:

  • Don't drink coffee or other caffeine-containing beverages late in the day
  • Put your smartphone or laptop away at least an hour before you want to go to sleep
  • Play calm music or do a guided meditation to become calmer
  • Take a long, warm shower and make going to bed a kind of ritual
  • Make sure you exercise, but do this during the day due to Yang. Exercising provides a positive feeling and clears the mind, making you more tired in the evening and easier to enter the Yin phase

Do you want to experience for yourself how acupuncture works against sleep problems? You can! Make an appointment online at one of our locations in Breukelen, Hoofddorp, Nieuw-Vennep, Rijswijk / Delft, Voorburg or Wassenaar.