Acupunctuur bij Hooikoorts

Do you also find spring a wonderful season? The sun is stronger and the weather gets warmer. We like to go outside again. I see my neighbors more often, the children play outside more frequently, and it seems like everyone is happier now that the sun is warming things up a bit more.

Spring and Traditional Chinese Medicine

Interestingly, what we humans do is also what happens in nature. The energy of spring is also referred to as liver energy in Traditional Chinese Medicine. This energy is directed towards the outside world. You can see this in nature through the buds, flowers, and outgrowths that appear in trees and plants. The fresh greenery and beautiful colorful flowers are wonderful. Unfortunately, this natural beauty is the reason for some people to feel miserable.

How Does Hay Fever Develop?

People with hay fever often react strongly to pollen entering our bodies. A portion of what enters our bodies through our nose and lungs is naturally expelled through exhaling, coughing, sneezing, tearing, and mucus production. If your immune system is functioning healthily, you won't have any problems. However, in people with hay fever, the immune system reacts very intensely to the pollen's entry. Your eyes start to water and itch, you begin sneezing, your sinuses can become congested, or you can have a runny nose. In severe cases, you can even have asthmatic attacks. Very unpleasant, but fortunately, something can be done.

Your doctor or pharmacist can often provide remedies that make the immune system react less violently. For some people, this can work well. Do read the package leaflet carefully before starting, as some people may experience side effects.

Need more information or want to make an appointment?

Book an appointment online at one of our locations, or call 085 - 0655499. If you have questions about acupuncture or how acupuncture can help you, you can also contact us via email.

Natural Remedy for Hay Fever

Leiden University of Applied Sciences is currently researching a natural remedy for hay fever. They have not yet stated what the remedy is and to what extent it works, but if it is successful, we will likely hear more about it.

How Does Acupuncture Work Against Hay Fever?

Acupuncture is a proven effective and natural way to address hay fever symptoms. Acupuncture can significantly reduce symptoms and, over several seasons, even eliminate them. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, the root cause is addressed. By strengthening the immune system from the inside, the body learns to react less violently to pollen. The best time to work on this is before the spring starts. Even a few treatments can yield results.